Re: Psi-Factor

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Posted by Jason on January 02, 1997 at 00:46:26:

In Reply to: Re: Psi-Factor posted by Amanda on January 01, 1997 at 01:59:36:

: : Does anyone know much about this TV show called "Psi-Factor"? The
: : commercials try to make the show look slick and technical and
: : they claim to have compelling scientific evidence for the
: : paranormal that "was just revealed to the public." Hmmm, there
: : goes that pseudoscience alarm bell again.
: : - Jason
: :
: I haven't heard of this one - is it just coming out this season? I imagine it's either another networks attempt to compete with Fox's X-files which also deals with the paranormal and is brainwashing brains nationwide and then some. I enjoyed the X-files when I had cable not because I believed it but I enjoyed the scifi aspects and entertainment value. I've talked to many people however that seriously believe that the government has some hidden aliens locked up somewhere - perhaps in the Roswell area - Independence Day added to this craze. I haven't read much about psychic phenomena nor the various other ideas - right now I don't believe in any of it but can't say I've ever taken the time to hear the other sides case. Just ordered Randi's "Flim Flam" and am waiting for the library to get Sagan's "Demon Haunted World". I had to read the Celestine Prophecy a few months ago and I can see clearly why the general public tends to believe in such ideas and the guy did a hell of a good job selling his opinions but as of this moment - I think it's all a bunch of crap and a severe annoyance for a rational mind. Maybe I'm wrong.

I have some more info. The full title of the show is "Psi-Factor: Chronicles
of the Paranormal." It recently went on the air, it's on FOX, and is hosted
by Dan Ackroyd.

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